How to Find Your Dreams + Goals

Uncover what brings you joy and meaning, to gain clarity and direction

"Hilary inspires me to grab hold of the multiple dreams I hold in my heart and is living out a way to pull them all together. Everything Hilary talks about is what I care deeply about and she's showing me that I can do it too and in a way that is approachable, authentic and inspiring."

if you're feeling like ...

“I have no idea what I want to do, what actually are my goals?”

I feel a little lost right now, like I’m floating in-between with no long-term vision of what I really want to do next.”

I want to live a life that gets me excited to get out of bed every day but right now I’m missing that passion.”

You’re not alone!
I receive these messages regularly, so I created a delightful and simple guide to help.

here's what's inside:

Enjoy two free audio teachings

PLus printable guided journal pages

All to identify your current roadblocks to dreaming and discover the signposts that already exist in your life today to identify your passions and priorities.

Sound lovely? She’s yours, for FREE.

Hilary touches on the part of me that really craves to express my creativity - in starting a business, how I design and live my life, pursuing hobbies that feel exciting - I always feel good and inspired listening to Hilary.

Hello, I’m Hilary, an ideal mentor to help fellow dreamers and doers.

I’m that girl who changed her college major 8 times. When I look back, all the signs were there for what I wanted to do, there just wasn’t a clear major that summed them up.

Blessedly, I was cast in a Broadway tour within weeks of graduating, and went on to have a career in musical theater for many years. However, I knew I wasn’t still going to be a dancer in my 40’s and had to make a shift.

Through listening to the clues, I started a side business as a personal stylist in 2011. I fell so in love with being an entrepreneur I went full time, yet over the years I have consistently had to make new choices, pivots, decide between dreams, tune out what everyone else was doing, and keep adjusting to create a path that really brought me joy.

Along the way, I started teaching others how to find their own passion, and then prioritize their goals and dreams to make them happen. 

Join thousands of others who’ve found breakthrough in this free guide, then please come DM me @HilaryRushford to share any aha’s as well as outstanding questions so I can help more!